How the US Department of Energy Uses Blockchain

How the US Department of Energy Uses Blockchain

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is the latest organization to capitalize on blockchain’s potential. Blockchain has disrupted industry after industry, and the DOE is ready to leverage blockchain when it comes to...
US Energy Grid Security Risks

US Energy Grid Security Risks

The US Energy Grid presents one of the most attractive targets to cyberattackers. Not only is the power grid instrumental in the day-to-day functioning of society, but all critical sectors of the economy are dependent on electricity. Interfering with the power grid...
What You Need To Know About APT 10

What You Need To Know About APT 10

On December 20, 2018, the United States government confirmed that widespread and malicious cybertheft is being perpetrated by a Chinese group known as Advanced Persistent Threat 10 or APT 10. The revelation came with the unsealing of an indictment in a Manhattan...
Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe to Energy Security?

Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe to Energy Security?

The benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) are being touted across the internet by tech-enthusiasts and future fiends alike. Proponents of the technology are quick to point out the monumental potential it could have in fields like agriculture, public health, and...