Today the world is plagued by war, natural disasters, and other threats. These may seem distant from everyday life, but globalization means that even distant players can have an impact on the security of individuals across the globe. The Evolution of Terrorism...
Energy security is one of the most discussed topics in the energy industry today. However, it is still a relatively new concept. There a few events in recent history that have inspired countries to worry about becoming more energy secure and independent. Leaders have...
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is the latest organization to capitalize on blockchain’s potential. Blockchain has disrupted industry after industry, and the DOE is ready to leverage blockchain when it comes to...
U.S. Energy Security continued to improve throughout 2017 according to this year’s Index of U.S. Energy Security Risk report released by the U.S Chamber of Commerce Global Energy Institute (GEI). The report analyzes 37 different metrics to determine vulnerabilities...
You’ve probably already realized that there is so much more to global security than war. There are other aspects of humanity that are just as critical to our survival. Things like public health, economic security, and, of course, natural resources like oxygen, energy,...